Sheesh you would think I got lost, stuck in the haunted house, moved into the castle, or walked to Disneyland from Seattle by looking at my last post ... smiles. Actually most likely wouldn't pass up the chance to walk to Disneyland from here. Bigger Smiles. Wouldn't take much longer then the train we are taking there next week ... details to follow on that trip after June 22nd when we return. Well moving on and posting again since it has been a while, yesterday we recieved our rewards card to use on our trip coming up in a week. This is a wonderful way to earn money from money you spend anway for free stuff from Disney. We accumilated over $500 to use on this trip from using our card from everyday purchases as small as the $2 ice cream sunday to the paying for your actual Disney vacation itself with the Visa card. yes even the trip earns you rewards since I paid for the trip back in Feb. with the card we got the rewards for the $3000 placed on the card back then.
The rewards will come in handy we plan to use them to eat and get the suviniers with it durring our trip. They can also be used to pay for Disney rooms, Disney items, and pretty much any Disney related expenses you have down there while visiting. Plus being a card member you get even other special features and offers not available to none card holders. For example this trip because of the package I got from the membership offer I not only got the great deal, extra $500 to spend from allour charges, and ahve a super duper awesome card, but we also got prefered seating at the peraid, cool backpacks and a few more neat gifts too.
OH! and before I forget having the card is so cool everytime you use it to buy something it always starts a cool Disney conversation with the teller.
NNOW DON"T GET ME WRONG! i am not encouraging you to go into debt trust me been there done that got the T-shirt and would never suggest that on anyone. Getting out of debt stinks and no one should have to make that climb. Plus leaving a balence on this card also stinks with its generally high interest rates. But paying off the balence each month and using it rather then cash for what you are going to buy anyway will earn you Disney dollars free to you and get your Disney vacations faster or in our case better then with out it. Audomatic is the perfect way to go. Especially if you set up things like your utilities, morgage, and other monthly expenses ont a Disney rewards card and at the same time set up the audomatic payments to the card to pay the balence to 0 each month you can earn dollars audomaticly month in month out for your next Disney Vacation.
Simply Google Disney Visa and you will find all sorts of places offering the card or contact your current card provider and ask them if they have one for you.
Expect MIracles...
Jun 6, 2008
Money for Disney Vacations
May 2, 2008
Not about Disney Vacations
This particular post is not about Disney Vacations or travel this time arround. Sorry if it affends you but I felt it is a topic that needs to be spread. Plus from this many will travel the world doing good and many like myself will also recieve good to be able to take many many more Disney Vacations. So please read on and take a look at HUB for yourself .... like me I am sure you will agree this is well worth putting your heart and soul into...
Apr 24, 2008
Disney Vacations at Animal Kingdom
With Earth Day and the birthday of Disney's Animal Kingdom I wanted to bring your attention to what you can do in your own community when you are not enjoying a Fantastic Disney Vacation.
Believe it or not seems not that long ago but Animal Kingdom opened on Earth Day in 1998 anhas done and will continue to do so much more over the years. So Happy Birthday Animal Kingdom!!!!
With that here is a great video I suggest you go watch and share with others. Together we all can make a difference like Disney has done with Animal Kingdom and we will ahve more and more chances to have great Disney vacations knowing we too played a part in it all.
Expect Miracles...
Apr 16, 2008
Disney Vacations Magic
With the cold still hanging out here in our area we are so very ready for spring to arrive. I am sure many of you are in the same boat. Now is a great time to dream and/or remember past trips and get you ready for the next Disney vacation. My kids and I absalutely loved this video and got us even more excited for our trip to Disneyland in June. Enjoy! *special note if you are like us you made need a tissue on this one* Feel free to leave comments on how you felt after watching this well done video.
Expect Miracles...
Apr 11, 2008
Disney Vacations Travel Insurance
I find I am one who takes a risk and saves the measly 100 bucks by not getting travel insurance when going on Disney Vacations. Or any of my travel for that matter. Along with when I ask others as I am assisting them with their Disney vacations and other travel plans. I am sure my own decisions influence this a lot.
So is travel insurance for your vacations a good idea? I personaly am torn here in one hand a great idea and gives you piece of mind. Plus as you see things like this week going on where literally 500 - 1000 flights each day for the last 3 days straight just from one airline are completely canceled and leaving vacation and business travelers stuck with no flight in sight. So yes travel insurance for all of these people is definently a good idea.
Now that I just read this Presented by Peter Greenberg, his top 10 reasons to get travel insurance open my eyes some more and pointed out to me all of those top 10 are reasons that are out of my control like the flights menchined above.
So to save the extra 100 bucks or not to save??? That is the question. Feel free to comment and let us know your thoughts on this issue. Perhaps like me in the past you found it not needed, but as things move on you think now a days it is a very good idea indeed?
Expect Miracles...
Mar 26, 2008
Free Disney Vacations
Free Disney vacations keeps popping up all arround me these days so it is a sign I am to blog on it. Now don't get me wrong or think that is impossible to get a free Disney vacation. In fact it is quite real in many ways.
Most fully free Disney vacations are for promotional reasons and covered by some advertiser or a group of advertisers. You will here them on the radio ... for example right now STAR 101.5 in the Seattle area has been playing the comercial that next week March 31st they start giveing away trips for 4 to Disneyland Parks. So calling in when it is time and being the correct caller gets you entered into a hat. This particular promotion gives away several fully paid for family Disney vacations.
Another comercial I have heard lately is for your choice of 2 family vacations one being a trip for 8 fully covered to Walt Disney World. So yes full Disney vacations free is possible .. I will say though chances are slim and youw ill ahve to work at winning. Sure is super FUN though when you do win a free Disney vacation.
Free Disney vacations though you can get your hands on more retally or easier is parts of the travel plans rather then the whole thing. For example a friend of mine in OH got free Disney hotel for his family of 5 covered thus giving them an amazing suprise Disney spring break. Or like some hotels will give you buy one get one free tickets for staying at their hotel. Some sites like my Free Family Vacations site offer a free vacation and many times you wil find a Disny lacation as one of your choices.
Disney too likes to toss in free stuff. Another thing I heard this week is the kids fly free is back for the summer vacations now. Disney also likes to toss in free stuff when you purchase packages from them. Our package for example gave us some free backpacks, suitcase tags, special seeting at events in the parks and a few other great things free for getting the package we chose.
Free Disney vacations do exist and are as real as Tink so keep your eyes and ears open for the whole or part of your next Disney vacation free.
Expect Miracles...
Mar 19, 2008
Rental Cars with Disney Vacations
First off sorry this is a bit long but worth the read I felt...
Nice thing about Disney vacations is you really don't need a rental car. Once you get from the airport to Disney you are set and even Disney has their express from the airport to Disney to make it even easier. However you like us may decide to stay off site or like we did durring our W.D.W. trip we took a day away from Disney in the middle of our trip to break things up and drove to Datona for the day and hit the beach. Or for your other vacations a rental car is quite often needed.
So here you go ... our insurence agents sent a newsletter and this was in our latest issue I felt it worth sharing so you too know the deal when you rent your next car.
Rental-Car Contracts Raise Coverage Stakes
Two revisions in rental-car contracts have significantly increased the renter's portion of the risk. One is an added charge for "diminution in value" whenever a rental car is repaired. The other is "before and after", a method of determining the renter's responsibility when a car is substantially damaged.
Diminution in Value
About five years ago, rental companies began holding the renter liable for a "diminution of value" charge when a rental car was damaged. This charge represents the reduction in a vehicle's market value due to its having been in an accident. When a repaired car is eventually sold, it brings a lower price.
When a renter returns a vehicle in damaged condition, he or she receives one bill for repairs and another for diminution in value. Most auto policies cover most of the repairs but few cover diminution in value. This exclusion was introduced for the personal auto policy in 1999, with one for commercial auto a few years later.
There has also been extensive litigation addressing how coverage applies in the absence of an exclusion. Most courts have found policies do not cover the exposure, so the renter can expect to self-insure for diminution in value. Unfortunately, that's not the end of the story.
Before and After
Diminution in value is a concern when the rental company repairs a damaged vehicle--but today many cars are never repaired. With some types of damage, liability concerns make rental companies reluctant to return a repaired car to the fleet. Instead, they simply sell the damaged car for salvage. They then charge the renter the difference between the market value on the day of rental ( "before") and the amount the car brought at the salvage auction ( "after").
The following language is found in a the contract of a major rental car company: "If the car is damaged, you will pay our estimated repair cost, of if, in our sole discretion, we determine to sell the car in its damaged condition, you will pay the difference between the car's retail fair market value before it was damaged and the sale proceeds."
A recent Michigan example illustrates this practice. The insured rented a Ford Freestar with an estimated market value of $26,500 and brought it back damaged. The cost of repairs, loss of use and the appraisal fee totaled $7,800. The rental company chose not to repair the vehicle but to sell it at a salvage auction, where it brought only $11,700. The renter received a bill for about $14,800, or the difference between the before and after values. The renter's auto policy paid only the estimated repair costs, leaving a balance of almost $7,000. That became the responsibility of the renter--quite a significant self-insured retention.
"Both provision are being added to all rental car contracts," stated Jim Maher of Midwest Car Corp. The company holds a 17-city franchise for two major rental car lines. He added that since the renter has signed a legally binding contract, rental companies have no difficulty collecting.
As these new provisions are activated, the gap between what the renter owes and what his or her insurance will pay has become too wide to ignore.
Isn't some coverage for damage to a rental car included with a credit card? Only some credit cards provide any coverage for a rental car. It's generally excess over the renter's auto policy, and payment is limited to the cost of the repairs. A renter should not expect a credit card company to pay diminution in value or before-and-after charges.
There 's really only once place renters can obtain full coverage and that's through the purchase of the loss damage waiver offered by the rental car companies.
The Loss Damage Waiver
Rental-car companies hold the renter responsible for all damage to the rental car, including an act of God. If a tree totals the rental car during a severe windstorm, the renter is liable. The rental company will waive its right to hold the renter responsible if he or she pays an additional fee and abides by the terms of the waiver. This waiver, which is not insurance, can add between $15 and $30 per day to the cost of the rental.
With the waiver, the renter will not be liable for any damage to the vehicle. He or she will not be charged for repairs to the vehicle, for diminution in value, for before-and after assessments or for loss of use. The renter can walk away from all responsibility for damage to the vehicle as long as he or she has not engaged in any prohibited use.
All rental car waivers have a clause voiding the waiver if the renter improperly operates the vehicle at the time of the accident. Although wording varies, most waivers prohibit reckless or intoxicated use or use off paved roads. There is no coverage if an unauthorized driver uses the vehicle, so handing the keys to a valet parking attendant voids the waiver. Theft of the vehicle is not covered if the keys are left in the car or if the vehicle is unlocked.
Buying the loss damage waiver is the only way to close the significant rental car gap that now exists. A renter must weigh the benefits against the cost. The renter who purchases the waiver should review the prohibited use provisions and avoid engaging in any activity that would void the waiver.
This is an excerpt from an article written by Phyllis Van Wyhe, CPCU, CIC, President of the Van Wyhe Group.
Mark and Stephanie Cunningham
841 Central Ave N, Suite 103 | Kent, WA 98032 | 253-854-7003 | 253-854-7062 Fax
I trust you too see the value in now knowing this too. Now you at least are prepared when they ask do you want aditional insurence?
Expect Miracles...
Mar 17, 2008
Disney Vacations at Wilderness Lodge
I ran into a great video from the travel channel about taking Disney Vacations and staying at Disney's Wilderness Lodge. The girl doing the show was a little nutty but she as I could tel loves Disney Vacations and shared that Disney actually used real timber from Orragon and said the Lodge does really feel like the Pacific North West with just a little emagination. So being from the Pacific North West this is one location my family now has on our list of more Disney Vacation destinations. She also pointed out they have great value rooms and as you can see from this other awesome video there is a cool pool of course and even resident ducks to make you feel like you are in the North West even more. Perhaps like us you too will see value in staying at the Disney Wilderness Lodge too. Enjoy this well done tour of the Wilderness Lodge at Walt Disney World.
Expect Miracles...
Mar 10, 2008
Official with Disney Vacations Now
I am so excited it is official now I am a graduate of the college of Disney Knowledge ... YIPPY!
Here is the
Press Release
Now that I have graduated planned my own trip in June with my family, and have this blog looking great it is time to get to work ... smiles. Anything I can do to help you plan your Disney vacations please do get with me. Even if it is just for Disney tickets into the parks or for full vacation packages I would love to help. Of course feel free to do it all on your own and start at to plan your own FUN Disney Vacations. Still though when doing it on your own you can ask any questions to help move you along.
I look forward to meeting each of you my readers in some Disney park some day and to many many vacations with the Disney magic as a part of them.
Expect Miracles...
Shane Belceto
Feb 29, 2008
An Extra Day With Disney
Since we are granted an extra day today with it being a leap year I felt I should blog on it ... smiles. Extra days are always great if you ask me. Especially when it comes to more days at any of the Disney Parks.
There are a veriety of ways to get them too some times even free like now with the current special running with select vacation packages when you purchase 3 nights and 3 days in the parks you get a forth night of hotel free and 2 free days in the parks. Now how cool is that? Even better then an extra day in a leap year if you ask me.
Of course there are other ways too. Keep in mind as well each time you add on another day to your ticket pass the price per day lowers. By the time you reach 5, 6, and 7 day passes things get really exciting since your per day cost drops a lot.
Considering an extra day to play in Disney is a whole lot cheeper then buying passes for a different park or event for the day. Especially as you reach those days past 3 and 4.
Another tip I will share with you is for WDW specifically ... for those of you like us who know you will definently return consider a 10 day pass with no experations take 5 days for example now with this trip and then use the other 5 on a different trip in the future. This will cut your per day cost a lot plus get you that much closer to the next trip before you even get to this one ... grin.
So extra days all arround are good and remember to get them when you can!
Feb 22, 2008
Moving Along Well
Well if you have been here before you have noticed a lot of new changes ... plus although I loved the other look so much I made changes to the look to so that I will be able to meet the copyright laws of Disney. Let me tell you they sure do protect themselves ... smiles.
So in the mean time as I wrap things up here is a great video I found. Did you know that places like Walt Disney World Park have kenles where you can bring your best friend along and spend time with him while at the park? Well they do and here is more on vacations with mans best friend...
Feb 15, 2008
Getting a Disney Education
Well back to school I go and here I thought when I left college I would never look back .. . smiles. This time though it is online and at my own time with the online schooling only Disney can provide... witch we all know will be a cake walk for me right?? Ya Ya I hear you LOL!
Anyhow I made this decision to make my suggestions and ideas even more effective for all my readers. Not only will I have my own personal experiences and those of my friends and family I now will have formal training to help you with any of your Disney Travels or questions on Disney locations world wide.
Some of you saw my post on YTB witch I ran into while searching forg great rates on my next trip to Disneyland in June. After joining YTB for free as a REP and diging around in their back office for a bit I got very very excited when I saw I could become Disney Certified and help others enjoy my pal Mickey even more. You see I started this blog because many people tend to ask me questions as they are setting up trips to Disney I can help. Well after playing in the back office and finding out about the Disney education I decided to register as a YTB Travel Agent from home and become an official Disney Consultent for real.
So keep an eye on this blog and my 2 new sites...
& *coming soon*
For those of you who wish to be one of my first full fledge Disney clients and allow me to work with you and your family on your Disney trip directly I would be more then eager to do all I can to help and to make your travel plans that much more Magical. Just contact me via skype or email and we can get things started. I even have a handy dandy search area just for Disney Travel now just think how helpful that one tool will be for all of us to keep on top of specials and new Disney attractions.
Expect Miracles...
Feb 13, 2008
Own a Disney Hotel?
Just for fun ... but how cool would it be to travel to your own Disney hotel when ever you wish since you are the owner? Super Cool if you ask me. Take a look over at one of my favorite blogs ... here.
Now I will have to apoligize because since owning my own Disney hotel would help me help so many who wish to take vacations with Mickey that this one has my name all over it ... smiles ... but the next one on the market I am sure you can grab. LOL
Have a FUN and Prosperous Day!
Pal Mickey for FL Vacations
I am going to answer the question you have with a great big
Please do feel free to share your thoughts in the comments once you return from playing with your Pal Mickey or like me if you have already and feel others should too. Any questions of course are also more then welcome.
Expect Miracles...
Feb 11, 2008
Away From The Beach
As we move away from the beach today and think travel on water a lot of people have cruising on mind this time of year. For a good reason too many of the popular cruises do fill up and become fully booked way in advance.
Some things to think about though when considering to cruise or not to cruise...

Of course there are more but asking these type of questions can assist you on determining weather or not a Disney Cruise is what you are loooking for on this vacation.
Some of my personal thoughts for a Disney Cruise are that they can make a Disney vacation easy. You know the total cost right up front since all food and such is included, done right no rental car headaches, no waiting in long ride lines, still ahve the opportunity to see Disney shows and magic, etc. The all inclusive aspect for many is the most desirable part of a Disney Cruise. Now if you have not been to any other Disney attraction then personally I feel you should do that first. Especially with little kids I feel a cruise even with all the fun it provides still lacks soemthing for a first timer. Something about the Magic Kingdom just can not be duplicated on a boat although Disney sure does spread the magic on board al their cruises and you definently get an experience.
A Disney Cruise provides yet another avinue for dreams to come true and everyone should take a cruise so perhaps this season is your turn. Visit the official Disney Cruise site for more information to further assist you on this decision.
Feb 8, 2008
Disney and the Beach
I am going to wait a bit before I share my answer about the picture of the beach to give others time to share what they feel is the answer.
Sticking with the beach theme though I wanted to clear the air some ... smiles ... yes fresh salty beach air is very refreshing for many people. What a lot don't realize though when they go on a Disney travel vacation that adding in a day at the beach can do wonders for your travel plans. Yes even away from the Disney cruises you can hit the beach while visiting Magic Kingdom.
The pic to the right shows my girls and I at Daytona Beach FL. What was nice for us with a rental car or your own transportation the beach is not that far away. Plus it breaks up all the busy fun at Disney and allows for a different change of surroundings for a day. Plus it can help cut the cost of the trip if you already have the car anyway or your own car, especially if you do a picnic at the beach for a meal or 2. Disney in Ca is the same you can drive to the beach and back for the day real easy and break things up a bit. You can also start or finish a awesome Disney trip with a visit to the beach too.
This way not just the Disney Cruises get you to the beach. This is quite exciting for those who never get to see the ocean who live in other parts of the world where the ocean is out of reach most days.
So Consider a day at the beach next time you take a Disney Vacation.
Feb 7, 2008
Feb 6, 2008
Lets Start off with a BANG!
Ok here we go and no better way to get things going then with a HUGE sweepstakes that Disney is currently putting on for the month of Feb. 2008. We all have dreams of all sizes and I am sure that a free vacation payed for from Disney would fit right on in to such dreams.
Now I will appoligize that you won't be getting the grand prize since that one is for me ... smiles. The other 4 though you have a great chance to win and I encourage you to go enter the Disney Sweepstakes NOW!!!
Be sure to enter daily as they suggest for the most chances to win. If you wish for a more guaranteed free vacation you can claim a quick get away at with no strings thanks to their advertisers paying for your free travel destination of your choice.
Keep the DREAMS ALIVE!!!!!
Feb 4, 2008
Alrighty The Disney Travel Help Blog is ready
Ok there are still a few things I wish to do on this blog ... and let me tell you this was my first experience with XML instead of HTML ... oh gosh was it FUN!
Now funny enough living in the Seattle area I know more about Orlando and going to FL Disney then CA Disney but this Junes trip to Disneyland will change that and refresh what I know since it has been a few years. Together with other people I know and find online I know this blog will provide YOU the reader with lots of helpful Disney travel help and tips. Along with tricks to save time, energy, money and what ever else I see fit.
Please do consider contacting me for any reason along with all suggestions and questions are welcome in the comment section of this blog.
I also have a Personal Development Travel blog too to blend in with your Disney trip and come back renewed, refreshed, and ready for what the world has to offer you or for those additional travel plans you have out side of Disney ... like anyone would consider going anywhere else ... smiles.
Expect Miracles...