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Feb 22, 2008

Moving Along Well

Well if you have been here before you have noticed a lot of new changes ... plus although I loved the other look so much I made changes to the look to so that I will be able to meet the copyright laws of Disney. Let me tell you they sure do protect themselves ... smiles.

So in the mean time as I wrap things up here is a great video I found. Did you know that places like Walt Disney World Park have kenles where you can bring your best friend along and spend time with him while at the park? Well they do and here is more on vacations with mans best friend...

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As to Disney artwork, logos, and properties: ©Disney. No part of this blog is associated with Disney and is the opinions and ideas of myself Shane Belceto therefore Copyright Shane Belceto. Links to sites outside of the blog are provided by us as a courtesy to readers and their content cannot be guaranteed. Though these links were deemed by us to be relevant and family-friendly at the time of posting, users are advised to click with caution and at their own risk.

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